Romantic classical music arose out of the broader intellectual and artistic concept of Romanticism that was prominent in Europe from approximately 1800 until 1910. Romantic music is emotional and dramatic, with a strong emphasis on melody. Prominent composers of the early part of the romantic era include Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Chopin and Schubert.
In my compositions, I do have a fondness for drama and melody. I’m afraid I find baroque music of the 18th Century rather mechanical and samey. And I’m only just coming to terms with the much more avant-garde leanings of 20th Century composers. So, as the second project for my Cardiff University online course Composing Music, I set out to achieve something vaguely romantic with a string quartet.
I produced Beyond Eden in Cubase using the virtual instruments from the Cremona Quartet series distributed by Native Instruments. I then scored it in Dorico.
I’ve now finished my much more avant-garde third project, which you can listen to here.